Madipadu Seri is one of the village in Atchampeta Mandal, located in Guntur district of Andhra Pradesh, India. The total geographical area of the Madipadu Seri is 632 hectares. Madipadu Seri is the part of capital region development authority(CRDA). It is 85.5 km far from the Guntur. The distance from Vijayawada to Madipadu Seri is 93.6 km.
Village | Madipadu Seri |
Mandal(SubDistrict) | Atchampeta |
District | Guntur |
state | Andhra Pradesh |
Country | India(bharat) |
Population | 900 |
Language | Telugu |
TimeZone | UTC/GMT +5:30, IST |
Telephone Code | 08645 |
Pin code | 522409 |
Agriculture is the major occupation for the people.
Total irrigated area 0 hectares
Unirrigated area 229.00 hectares
Area not available for cultivation 229.00 hectares
As per the census of 2011, there were 196 households residing in the Madipadu Seri village. The total population of the village is 900. The village Madipadu Seri have 389 literates.
Total Population | Male Population | Female Population | |
Population | 900 | 469 | 431 |
0-6 years Population | 111 | 56 | 55 |
Literates | 389 | 244 | 145 |
Illiterates | 511 | 225 286 | 286 |
How To Reach
It is 23.4 km far from the Atchampeta. The nearest town to Madipadu Seri are Sattenapalle and Jaggayapeta . The village is 51.3 Km far from Sattenapalle and Km from 13.8 Km Jaggayapeta.
The village is 95.5 km far from the Guntur district. People reach from Guntur to Madipadu Seri through the bus. APSRTC provides the bus facility from all major city to Madipadu Seri.
The distance from Vijayawada to Madipadu Seri is 93.6 km.
There is no railway station in Madipadu Seri, the nearest railway station are Sattenapalle and Pedakurapadu,
People have to reach to Sattenapalle by train and from Sattenapalle people have to reach by road.
Guntur is one of the nearest railway station to reach Sattenapalle and from you have to reach Madipadu Seri, Andhra Pradesh by road.
The nearest domestic airport is Vijayawada airport.
And international Airport is Hyderabad and Chennai.
latitude: 16.613242
longitude: 80.177625
Temperature: 36 C/F
Wind: 21 Km/h
Nearest schools are
There are 2 schools in Madipadu, one is Primary and another one is High school.
Veda Vedanta Gurukula Mahavidyalaya – Madipadu Agraharam
Nearest temples are
Sawyambu Nara Simha Swamyi Temple – Vedadri, NH 9, Ravirala
sattemma talli temple – ginjupalli Thanda, Madipadu
The nearest banks for Madipadu Seri village are
Andhra Bank – Post Office Road, Atchampeta
State Bank of India – Main Road, Atchampeta
NABARD – Atchampeta
Madipadu Seri, comes under Narasaraopeta parliament constituency and Pedakurapadu assembly consistency
In the year 2014 Elections Rayapati Sambasiva Rao elected as the member of parliament(MP) and Kommalapati Sreedhar elected as the member of legislative assembly(MLA)
The Mandal Revenue Office (MRO) for Madipadu Seri, is the Atchampeta.
The Nearest RTO office is located in Narasaraopeta.
Nearest tourist places are Amaravathi, Guntur and Vijayawada.
Distance between Amaravathi to Madipadu Seri, is 85.9 km
Distance between Vijayawada to Madipadu Seri, is 93.6 km
and the distance between Guntur to Madipadu Seri, is 85.5 km
Madipadu Seri boundaries are Gudimetla, Mallareddy Gudem, Chotapalli and Jaggayapeta.