

Nowlur is one of the village in Mangalagiri Mandal, located in Guntur district of Andhra Pradesh, India. The total geographical area of the Nowlur is 2091 hectares. Nowlur is the part of capital region development authority(CRDA). It is 31.6 km far from the Guntur. The distance from Vijayawada  to Nowlur is 23.6 km.

stateAndhra Pradesh
TimeZoneUTC/GMT +5:30, IST
Telephone Code086452
Pin code522503


Agriculture is the major occupation for the people. The area useful for farming is 590.84 hectares

Total irrigated area 590.84 hectares

Unirrigated area 590.00 hectares

Area not available for cultivation 910.00 hectares


Total milk production 590.84 liters/Year

Total egg production in a year 1200


As per the census of 2011, there were XXXX households residing in the Nowlur  village. The total population of the village is XXXX. The village Nowlur has XXXX literates.There were 1770 voters in Nowlur.

Total PopulationMale PopulationFemale Population
0-6 Years Population
Voters1770 899871

How  To Reach


It is 5.0 km far from the Mangalagiri. People can reach from Mangalagiri to Nowlur by private transport like Auto etc. The nearest town to Nowlur is Mangalagiri.

The village is 31.6 km far from the Guntur district. People reach from Guntur to Nowlur through the bus. APSRTC provides the bus facility from all major city to Nowlur.

The distance from Vijayawada  to Nowlur is 23.6 km.


There is no railway station in Nowlur the nearest railway station  is Mangalagiri.

People have to reach to Mangalagiri by train and from Mangalagiri people have to reach by road.


The nearest domestic airport is Vijayawada airport.

And international Airport is Hyderabad and Chennai.


 latitude: 16.779027

longitude: 80.124906

Temperature: 36  C/F

Wind: 21 Km/h


As per 2001 Census the Income and Expenditure of the village

Total Income – 1935442 Rs

Total Expenditure – 1935442 Rs


There is one  Upper Primary and 3 Primary schools in Nowlur


The nearest temples are

Panakala Lakshmi Narasimha Swamy Temple – Main Bazar, Temple Road, Kothapet, Mangalagiri

Gandalayam – Mangalagiri

Ganesh Temple – NH 5, Mangalagiri

Durgadevi temple – Indira Nagar Rd, Mangalagiri

Sri Venkateswara Swamy Temple – Ghat Rd, Mangalagiri


The nearest banks are

Corporation Bank – 1-649, Trunk Rd, G.T Road, Near Bungalow, Kothapet, Baptist Pet, Mangalagiri,

Indian Bank – Door No. 10/1/11, Gowtham Buddha Road, New Bank Colony, Mangalagiri

State Bank Of India – G.T. Road, Near Market Yard, Beside Vijaya Deluxe, Kothapet, Mangalagiri

State Bank of Hyderabad – Bhargava Peta, Mangalagiri

HDFC Bank Branch – 1-437 Ground Floor Kothapeta, G T Road, Mangalagiri

IIFL – India Infoline Finance Limited – Trunk Road,New Bank Colony, Mangalagiri

FEDBANK FINANCIAL SERVICES LIMITED – Dr.No: 6-172, First Floor, Mangalagiri

UCO Bank – 7-547, Trunk Rd, Near Old Bus Stand, New Bank Colony, Mangalagiri

Andhra Bank – Mangalagiri Branch,7-13, Trunk Rd, G. T. Road, Near Andhra Bank, Beside Venkateswara hall, NewBank Colony, Mangalagiri

Life Insurance Corporation Of India – Jyothi Electronics Building, Trunk Road, Kothapet,Mangalagiri



Nowlur comes under Guntur parliament constituency and Mangalagiri assembly consistency

In the year 2014 Elections Galla Jaydev elected as the member of parliament(MP) and
Alla Rama Krishna Reddy elected as the member of legislative assembly(MLA)

President(Sarpanch) of Nowlur is Banavath. Balaji Naik

The Mandal Revenue Office (MRO) for Nowlur is the Mangalagiri

The Nearest RTO office is located in Mangalagiri.


Nearest tourist places are Chinakakani, Amaravathi, Vijayawada and Guntur


Distance between Chinakakani to Nowlur  is 10.7 km

Distance between Amaravathi to Nowlur is 28.9 km

Distance between Vijayawada to Nowlur  is 23.6 km

and the distance between Guntur to Nowlur is 31.6 km


Nowlur boundaries are Mangalagiri, Kuragallu, Nidamarru and Neerukonda


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